Development Of Mobile Application For Rice Field Surveying in Phayao province using MIT App Inventor


  • Sawarin Lerk-u-suke Department of Geographic Information Science, School of Information and Communication Technology, University of Phayao


การสำรวจข้อมูลจากภาคสนาม ข้อมูลการเกษตร พื้นที่ปลูกข้าว โมบายแอปพลิเคชัน, Field surveying, Agricultural data, Paddy field, Mobile application


This study aims to develop mobile application for rice field data collection. MIT app inventor was used as a tool for mobile application development. MIT app inventor is easy to learn and develop with no need to install specific programs and any developer can be build mobile application using the web browser. According to the standard procedures of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, the official questionnaire consists of 1) basic farmer information 2) cultivation information 3) agricultural machinery information and 4) location of the paddy field. This information was used to design for data collection in mobile application. Benefits of this approach is to build fully functional apps with less time consumption, free of charge for application development, converting paper forms to digital forms, improving quality of data collection and the data Integrity. For this reason, mobile application development using MIT app inventor was recommended to the rice field surveying to enhance the routine work.






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