Effect of Freezing Temperature on Quality of Rice Wrapped Lotus Left Product

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Sunan Parnsakhorn
Jaturong Langkapin


The aim of this research was to study effect of freezing temperature at -18oC and -40oC on quality of lotus leaf wrapped rice from Sao Hai and Riceberry products. From the experiment, it was concluded that freezing at -40oC took between 1-1.5 hr to reach the initial freezing temperature from -4 to -5 °C. While freezing at -18oC the process took was taken between 2-2.5 hr to reach the initial freezing temperature from -0.2 to     -1oC. The differences in the freezing curve between the lotus leaf wrapped rice products from Sao Hai and Riceberry were found, especially after the temperature draw to the target at -40oC. Before freezing, rice wrapped in lotus leaf from Sao Hai rice and Riceberry were measured the color value with L*, a*, b* and ​​the results showed 38.05, 10.40, 23.74 and 18.00, 5.56, 3.65 respectively. After the products were freeze at -18oC and -40oC the trend was found of decreasing of the three color values (L*, a*, b*) with low freezing temperatures providing a higher reduction. Likewise, the hardness values, which were found before freezing, rice wrapped in lotus leaf from Sao Hai and Riceberry, were equal to 37.49 N and 46.47 N. After the products were thawed the hardness value decreased, which the hardness value of Riceberry was less than Sao Hai rice. Moreover, moisture content of the products was presented between 56-65%wb and total microbial counts of all conditions were in the safe standard criteria. Moreover, consumers gave the higher satisfaction on lotus leaf wrapped rice from Riceberry frozen at -40oC than others.

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How to Cite
Parnsakhorn, S. ., & Langkapin, J. . (2021). Effect of Freezing Temperature on Quality of Rice Wrapped Lotus Left Product. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 19(1), 91–101. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jermutt/article/view/244682
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