Changes in physicochemical properties of brown rice, parboiled paddy and parboiled brown rice during storage

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สุนัน ปานสาคร
อรรถพล นุ่มหอม


clsflls5flcnssufl1fiosslduonasruqs 1 7AbstractBrown rice (BR), parboiled paddy (PP) and parboiled brown rice (PB) from a Thai rice variety(Chainatl) was packed in sealed in sealed in polyethylene bags in order to investigatethe effect of storage at different temperatures of 4'C, 25'C and 37'C for six months on the changes of totallipid, free fatty acid and pasting properties. Samples were evaluated every month. Results revealed that totallipid, free fatty acid and the RVA pasting values of the rice flour changed during storage. A degree ofchanges depended upon type of the products, time and temperature. Storage of BR, PB and PP at 4"Cresulted in less change in total lipid than those stored at the higher temperature (37'C). At 25"C, the totallipid of all rice samples gradually declined (P<0.05) after storage for six months. Free fatty acid of all sampleswere significantly (P<0.05) affected when stored at 25'C and 37'C whereas it remained unchanged at 4"Cduring storage for the first two months. After six-month storage, the freefatty acid significantly (P<0.05) increased. Study of starch pasting property by using a Rapid ViscoAnalyzer (RVA) showed that at higher temperature, the pasting property had greater changes in all ricesamples and it was retarded at low storage temperature

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ปานสาคร ส. ., & นุ่มหอม อ. . (2008). Changes in physicochemical properties of brown rice, parboiled paddy and parboiled brown rice during storage. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 11, 16–27. retrieved from
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