Supplier-customer relationship management : perspectives from manufacturers in automotive industry

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นุกูล ศรีเมืองแก้ว
ระพี กาญจนะ


The purpose of this study is to priorities important criteria in the supplier-customer relationshipmanagement from the viewpoint of manufacturers in the automotive industy. The questionnaire is developedfor collecting data in four main criteria; objectives, supporting factors, obstacles and activities whichsuppliers and customers participated in manufacturer's operations. From statically analysis of 206 returns,the study shows that the main objective to make a relationship with suppliers and customers is to increaseprofit while the most important supporting factor and obstacle to manage the relationship is trust andmisunderstanding in concept, respectively. The most important activities that manufacturer allow the supplierand customer to participate in its operation is data interchanging between organizations. Beside this, thestudy also indicates that the manufacturer ranked the importance of managing relationship with customershigher than managing relationship with suppliers. Even though this study focused on the specific group;automotive indusfiry, at least this would bring a benefit for manufacturers in automotive industry and othersin building and managing relationship with its supplier and customers effectively.

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ศรีเมืองแก้ว น. ., & กาญจนะ ร. . (2008). Supplier-customer relationship management : perspectives from manufacturers in automotive industry. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 12, 9–18. retrieved from
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