The Optimal Gain Tuning of PI Controller for Linear Induction Motor Speed Control using a Particle Swarm Approach

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ทรงกลด ศรีปรางค์
วันชัย ทรัพย์สิงห์


This article presents a method of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) in determining the optimalparameters of a PI (Proportional-Integral) controller for a Single-side Linear Induction Motor (SLIM)speed control. It approaches into a superior features, easy implementation, faster in computational and alsoresults in a better convergence aspects comparing with a traditional Zigler Nicholes method whileimplements into the SLIM speed control system of such article. The Linear Induction Motor and theParticle Swarm Optimization algorithm in this project are also modeled in MATLAB/Simulink. It showsthat the time response, an overshoot, convergence of speed response of the SLIM when the systemimplemented by PSO method is better than whiles implemented by another. Moreover it also results thatthe PID controller using PSO technique gives less overshoot, system is less sluggish and reduces theIntegrated Absolute Error.

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How to Cite
ศรีปรางค์ ท. ., & ทรัพย์สิงห์ ว. . (2010). The Optimal Gain Tuning of PI Controller for Linear Induction Motor Speed Control using a Particle Swarm Approach. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 2, 9–16. retrieved from
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