Application of Center of Risk Gravity in the Location Analysis for a Siting of Emergency Medical Service Vehicles

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นัทธพงศ์ นันทสำเริง


The purpose of this research article was to find an optimal location for Emergency Medical Service (EMS) vehicle. The optimal location is the location where EMS vehicle can reach to patients or accident victims as fast as possible to safe the patient's life. This research began with collection of EMS data in area of study 172 cases including 96 accident cases and 76 emergency cases during October 20 I0 to April 20 II. Then, we defined geometric coordinate of each case by using Google Map. After that, risk assessment was applied for weighting of each node. In this research, we applied failure modes and effects analysis technique for risk assessment which risk score obtained from severity, frequency and detection. Risk score of each case were calculated coordination optimal location for EMS vehicle by using center of gravity technique. Results of the study revealed that optimal location of EMS vehicle was different from traditional location 1.1 kilometers. Moreover, an improved location reduced the euclidean distance 20.26% from sitting location to patients.

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How to Cite
นันทสำเริง น. . (2011). Application of Center of Risk Gravity in the Location Analysis for a Siting of Emergency Medical Service Vehicles. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 2, 21–29. retrieved from
Research Articles


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