Construction Delay of e-Gate Controlling System Installation : Bangkok Port Case Study

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ภูชิต โพนทัน
พุทธพล ทองอินทร์ดำ
รัฐวุฒิ รู้แทนคุณ


The objective of this research is to investigate the root causes and the impact of each factor that caused construction delay of e-gate controlling system installation in Bangkok Port. The author examines 7 projects which are three newly build stations of e-gate and four projects of the existing controlling system development. The survey is done by AHP questionnaire of 13 representative samples who involve in the installation project both in state enterprise and private companies. This research focuses on 6 primary factors, man, material, machine, money, management, and topography. Based on primary factors, 29

secondary factors are determined. From the research result, the main factors that have the most significant impact on the delay of e-gate installation are financial, management and topography. The survey result shows that the most significant secondary factors having an impact on the delay of e-gate installation are the financial instability and lack of cash flow of the contractor company; the difficulty to move water supply system, electrical supplies as well as the phone and fiber optic lines to the temporary project site at once due to 24 hours operation in case of the existing controlling gate development; and the disbursement period respectively.

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How to Cite
โพนทัน ภ. ., ทองอินทร์ดำ พ. ., & รู้แทนคุณ ร. (2012). Construction Delay of e-Gate Controlling System Installation : Bangkok Port Case Study. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 1, 59–71. retrieved from
Research Articles


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