The Application of Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment for Design Electrostatic Hood
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At present, there are many electrostatic hood makers to serve more requiremeni food enirepreneur. Hood is a product with a highly competitive market. The study found that the hood is used in food store, no air treatment system. Pollution from cooking, which is one cause of air pollution. Therefore, this research was conducted to design an electrostatic hood by applying quality function deployment (QFD) was used as a tool in design to find the needs of the customers .As a way to convert customer needs to deveiopmenl guidelines for the product to be a quality up to add value and the advantages of the market. The theory used in conjunction wiih fuzzy sets in order to reduce ambiguity in the evaluation of the customer and development team using a sample group is that some entrepreneurs store food with hood outside building, 100. The initial survey the needs of customers found that customers to the importance to electricity saving most followed by the safety of the use and can inhale the smoke all. Then convert customer requirements into engineering attributes in Fuzzy QFD the phase 1. To the terms of the most important technical material is used as a quality, followed by the safety certification standards and consumer prices. From technical requirements to convert into Fuzzy QFD Phase 2 is the characteristic of the components found that factors that is the most weight is size fan , followed by materials used to frame and materials used to filter dustThis research has the design guidelines for hood using electrostatic to meet customer needs.
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