Study on the Behavior of Ancient Masonry Wall Retrofitted using Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Under Lateral Cyclic Load

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ชินโชติ บรรจงปรุ
หมิง จิ๋ง


Thai ancient architecture has been constructed fora long time. Principally, The architectures were made from wall constructed by bricks. They were constructed without calculated with lateral load, and impact load. It was ready to fall down because it could not resist to pressure of side impact to the wall. The studied of side impact of a wall constructed by brick of historic ancient by using Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) will specified the ability of resistant for compressive pressure to the impact on the side of the wall It is the important data to restore historic ancient, and in case of innovate to add more perfection of the architect. There are four ancient walls sample testing, size 1.50x 1.50xO.60 m. the first wall without FRP reinforce , the second wall after failure fixed with FRP reinforce, the third wall reinforce 40% of the wall's surface with

diagonal FRP's sheets. The fourth wall reinforce 40%ofthe wall's surface with vertical and horizontal FRP's strips. Which all of them under lateral cyclic load until the walls fall down. The test results showed that the wall without FRP reinforce has resist to the wall 's side maximum load to 16.00 kN. And after the wall failure were fixed with FRP reinforce has resist to the wall 's side maximum load to 25.00 kN. The third wall reinforce 40% of the wall surface with diagonal FRP's strips has resist of the wall side maximum load to 50.87 kN. The fourth wall reinforced 40%of the wall 's surface with vertical and horizontal FRP's strips has resist of the wall side maximum load to 22.6 1 kN. Then can summarize that the ancient masonry wall specimen reinforced 40% of the wall surface with diagonal FRP's strips has resist of the wall side maximum lateral cyclic load. From this research result make the guidelines in the future development of Retrofitted using FRP under lateral cyclic load.

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How to Cite
บรรจงปรุ ช. ., & จิ๋ง ห. . (2013). Study on the Behavior of Ancient Masonry Wall Retrofitted using Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Under Lateral Cyclic Load. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 2, 59–68. retrieved from
Research Articles


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