Effect of the Fineness of Material on Packing Effect and Pozzolanic Reaction of Concrete Tensile

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ชยณัฐ หุตะจิตต์
จตุพล ตั้งปกาศิต


The results showed that the particle size of 3 different sizes, where smallest size to the tension of the concrete directly above the larger size. Due to the replacement of cement. Or sludg Percent in the same size but with different resolution. Cause tension caused by the small particles to be inserted in the gap of Mortar. A more appropriate arrangement of particles larger than. Resulting tension caused by small particles is greater than the tension caused by larger particles. And the use of fly ash with hibiscus smaller than the result of the pozzolanic reaction force of the concrete directly above the fly ash bigger. And replace more and more the result of pozzolanic reaction is reduced. Due to the replacement of cement with fly ash increased. Reduce the amount of cement The results showed that the reaction Hydration and pozzolanic reaction reduced. Tension resulting from reactive pozzolan cement replacement of 10 percent is greater than 20 percent.Reduce the amount of cement The results showed that the reaction Hydration and pozzolanic reaction reduced. As a result, the difference between the tension of concrete using fly ash, crushed concrete, cement, sand, crushed to replace 10 percentgreater than the  difference between the fly ash to replace cement grinding mill with 20 percent sand.

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How to Cite
หุตะจิตต์ ช. ., & ตั้งปกาศิต จ. . (2014). Effect of the Fineness of Material on Packing Effect and Pozzolanic Reaction of Concrete Tensile. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 2, 57–70. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jermutt/article/view/242066
Research Articles


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