Guidelines for the Preparation Work on the ASEAN for Skill Labour in Construction

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กัณฐิกา จันทนา
กิตติพัชญ์ เสาแก้ว
สุริยนต์ สุนิศทรามาศ


The purpose of this project is to study in term of the interesting of construction skills labor to select workplace in ASEAN group of countries. And to research the ranking of workplace which the construction skills labors was interesting. To study and analyze the preparation of construction skills labors. To find the guideline of priority processing of development and preparation of health and attitude for living in other countries. And to be a guideline to make the first confidence to prepare journey and contact the related governments service office. The project involves the knowledge to be a guideline for developing the skills in term of construction and enhancing their confidence for living and working in other countries.

                In studying and analyzing this project, the research was performed by information collecting. The questionnaire is 2 sets, the first is questionnaire about the aimed country which construction skills labors was interesting to go for working, the second is questionnaire about their biography, journey, preparation and the government service offices which able to contact. The researcher collected the information in samples that is the students in vocational certificate and high vocational certificate, in senior final year of the vocational school of government and private individual, 6 places in educational area of Bangkok. To involve the information to analyze the average and to make importance order for developing skills in term of construction of those labors.

                The results of this study found that most of questionnaire answerers choose going to work in Singapore, 46.67%. Cause of high wage, life safety, and peace of this country. The information of requirements of answerers, they were interesting to go for working by job recruitment service companies. The information of fund for help person who finding job to go for working in other countries. The answerers knew the related service office in moderately level, equal to 2.73. That means the answerers had fairly knowledge about this. The information of important skills in standard of construction skills, the answerers had working experiences in rather low, equal to 2.59 that means it may be the obstructions to find job. And information about the skill of language and communication, most of the answerers had rather bad skills, equal to 2.55, that mean the preparation for working should be focus on language and communication.

                The conclusion of this study indicated that method for developing should be focus on knowledge about related government service offices including the extraneous office, for convenience and legal working, increasing knowledge and skills to enhance more experiences, and enhancing the skills in language and communication for working and living.

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How to Cite
จันทนา ก. ., เสาแก้ว . ก., & สุนิศทรามาศ ส. . (2015). Guidelines for the Preparation Work on the ASEAN for Skill Labour in Construction. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 2, 55–68. retrieved from
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