The Production and Study property of Insulation wall light Board from Bagasse Fiber for using in Architecture work

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นิตยา พัดเกาะ


 The purpose of bagasse research was to produce  and  study insulator wall light property   from bagasse  fiber for using in architecture work. The fiber was  used as raw material. Diphenylmethane di-isocyanate (pMDI) 10 % or Poly lactic Acid (PLA) 10% were  used  as adhesive. Made by heating at 120 °C with a compression pressure of 150 kg/ma density  of  400 -600 kg/m3. with a thickness of 15 and 20 mm.                                               


           Test  results  showed that Thermal insulation properties of the wall of pulp fibers were classed as a good Thermal  insulation  and  the  type of  which  is determined by  the Thermal conductivity and  thermal resistance with an average between 0.028 - 0.041 W / m.k  and   0.026 - 0.042 W/m.k, The thermal  resistance is  the average is between 0.113-0.146 m2.k/W and 0.112-0.151 m2.k/W respectively,  depending  on the thickness of an adhesive. And  type of adhesive.  In  addition  the Physical  properties testing, Mechanical properties testing. Indicated that the insulation wall of fibers. The amount of adhesive synthetic resin with a diphenylmethane di-isocyanate (pMDI) and Poly lactic acid (PLA) of the density of 400-600 kg/m3. Can  be used  as  compress the stand  points  of  infantry. the building was used as an alternative. Properties in accordance  with TIS 876-2547 standard.

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How to Cite
พัดเกาะ น. . (2015). The Production and Study property of Insulation wall light Board from Bagasse Fiber for using in Architecture work. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 2, 11–20. retrieved from
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