Development of a Semiautomatic Peeled Taro Machine
Main Article Content
This research was to develop and test the performance of a Semiautomatic Peeled Taro Machine. As this methodology comprising about: 1) Design and fabrication of the machine, that consisted of the 5 parts: A. a steel structure of 400x500x500 mm., B. peeled chuck unit, C. peeled blade unit, D. a 0.5 HP, 220 V, electric motor, E. supporting unit. 2) Test and evaluation of the machine performance for the controlling were taken. The 3 control factors were cultivar (Hom), grade (small, medium, large) and peeling speed (8, 12, 16, 20, 24 rpm). The evaluated factors were peeling efficiency, shell remain percentage, capacity. 3) Analysis of engineering economic. Then the result indicated that suitable working condition at 8 rpm presented the maximum efficiency and capacity for small, medium, large grade 74.18±5.72 %, 12.07±1.73 kg/h, 76.30±5.92 %, 12.08±2.54 kg/h and 77.08±5.53 %, 16.12±2.53 kg/h, respectively. Which higher than operated by labor approximately 2 times. (Worker skilled 8.8±4.33 kg/h). Engineering economic analysis revealed that renting the peeler at the rate of 5 baht/kg would give break event point 404.54 kg/year and payback in 4 month.
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