A Finishing Process of a Mixture of Polyurethane Binder and Micro/Nano Silk Particles Coated on Plain 100% Cotton Woven Fabrics Using One and Two Steps Spraying Method

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นพรัตน์ เนื่องชมภู
สมนึก สังข์หนู
อภิชาติ สนธิสมบัติ


The aim of this research was to study the new finishing method (Spraying Method using a Spray Gun) which is different from the Dip-Nip-Dry Finishing Method that is widely used in the textile industries.  One Step Spraying Method, the  solutions were prepared by mixing 10% Polyurethane binder solution with Micro/Nano Silk solutions of the amount of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0% respectively and the solutions were sprayed on the surface of plain 100% cotton woven fabrics, weighed the fabrics and then dried at 120oC for 120 seconds.  The fabrics were put into a standard condition at textile testing laboratories. Two Steps Spraying Method, the solutions were prepared by mixing 10% Polyurethane binder solution, sprayed on the surface of the fabrics, weighed the fabrics.  After the first spraying, the Micro/Nano Silk solutions of the amount of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0% respectively were sprayed on each fabric, weighed the fabrics again and then dried at 120oC for 120 seconds.  The fabrics were tested for the percentage weight loss after abrasion resistance (dry and wet conditions), after washing fastness (20 times).  The fabrics were tested for wicking time and they were investigated the size and morphology of the particles.  It was concluded that the abrasion resistance test results had weight loss percentage (-0.114% to -0.510%).  Both methods gave the same wicking time (water permeability time).  Nevertheless, it was found that the Two Steps Spraying Method fabrics showed less percentage weight loss after washing process than that from the One Step Spraying Method.  From the SEM images, the fabrics from both

methods showed that the particles remained on the fabrics.  It can be concluded that two steps spraying method may be used to finish the fabrics for spa purposes because the binder was firstly sprayed on the cloth.  It might have possibilities to contact much more surface areas than that from the one step Spraying Method before spraying the Micro/Nano silk particles on top of the fabrics again.

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How to Cite
เนื่องชมภู น. ., สังข์หนู ส. ., & สนธิสมบัติ อ. (2017). A Finishing Process of a Mixture of Polyurethane Binder and Micro/Nano Silk Particles Coated on Plain 100% Cotton Woven Fabrics Using One and Two Steps Spraying Method. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 15(2), 7–18. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jermutt/article/view/241986
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