A Study of Water Footprint of Rice in Supanburi Province
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The objective of this research was to assess the water footprint of rice in Supanburi province in year 2016. In this research, the data was collected by the field research technique. Moreover, the WAPF software was used to assess the water footprint. The researcher collected the data which were distinguished into two types. Primary data was the filed collection from interviewing the 35 farmers. These data consisted of the area of rice production, rice data, and the amount of fertilizers. Secondly, the secondary data was recorded within the software. These were the volume of rainfall, Reference Crop Evapotranspiration (Eto), and Crop Coefficient (Kc). The results indicated that the blue water footprint (Wblue) was 1,246.48 m3/ton, the green water footprint (Wgreen) was 694.9 m3/ton, the grey water footprint (Wgrey) was 877.16 m3/ton, and the total water footprint of rice was 2,818.53 m3/ton. Furthermore, the yield of rice was average 0.8 ton/rai. From above results, the water footprint of rice in Supanburi province differed from other areas. Therefore, this research had presented the factors that made the differences and suggested the ways to reduce the water footprint of rice in Supanburi province as well.
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