Different Geotextiles in Soil for Railway Construction Application

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Wichuda Chanprapanon
Nithinart Chitpong


This research aimed to study the use of different geotextiles in soil for railway construction application. Three nonwovens were produced by carding followed by needlepunching and then were compared to commercial geotextile. The fabric weight of three nonwovens was around 200 to 600 gram per square meter (gsm) and the thickness of them was typically 2 to 7 millimeter (mm). Nonwoven having the heaviest in fabric weight of 609.8 gsm and the thickest of 6.76 mm exhibited the highest in both of tensile strength and bursting strength but had the slightest in hydraulic properties both of air permeability and water permeability. In addition, three nonwovens and the commercial geotextile were performed in a laboratory California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test to investigate the behavior of reinforced soil with different materials. The results showed that the stress of each penetration of soil was not improved with the inclusion of each material. However, CBR value of the soil with the heaviest nonwoven were higher than that of the soil with commercial geotextile about 87%. Therefore, the introduction of the heaviest nonwoven reinforcement in soil enhanced the bearing capacity compared to the placing of commercial geotextile in soil.   

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How to Cite
Chanprapanon, W. ., & Chitpong, N. . (2019). Different Geotextiles in Soil for Railway Construction Application. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 17(1), 187–196. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jermutt/article/view/241941
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