Relative Study of Gas Metal Arc Welding Parameter and Hard-faced Weld Metal Properties on Grey Cast Iron Surface
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Hard-faced welding is a simple and non-complex operation that could raise mechanical properties such as hardness and wear of the machine part surface. However, a variation of a base material and an electrode that is continuously performed, it leads to investigate for new welding procedure specification. This research aims to study gas metal arc welding process parameter that composed of welding currents and hard-faced weld layers on wear, hardness, microstructure and cracking on a hard-faced weld metal on gery cast surface. The summarized results were as follows. Increase of the welding current affected to increase the hardness and the wear resistance of the hard-faced weld metal. The optimum welding parameter that produced the hardness of 550 HV and the wear resistance of 1.23% was the welding current of 160 A. Increase of the hard-faced weld layer resulted in the increase of the hardness and the wear resistance of the weld metal and resulted in the increase of the crack amount.
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