Comparative Study of Mechanical Properties and Production Cost for Palm Cutting Blade Materials Selection

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Pramot Poonnayom
Voraya Wattanajitsiri
Surat Triwanapong
Kittipong Kimapong


Shorten tool life service problem of a palm chopper machine cutting blade affects to deteriorate a palm chopper machine efficiency. Development for optimizing the cutting blade that shows high efficiency and tool life service was an urgent issue that is continuously performed. This research aims to 1) study mechanical properties and microstructure of 4 cutting blades metals and 2) compare the manufacturing cost of palm chopper machine cutting blade. The summarized results are as follows. The SKD11 steel cutting blade that was harden at the given condition showed the higher wear resistance than that of SUS304, S45C and SCM440 steels cutting blades for 34, 45 and 60%, respectively. It was also found that the S45C steel cutting blade showed the lowered manufacturing cost than that of SCM440, SKD11 and SUS304 for 6, 42 and 52%, respectively. When comparing wear resistance and production cost, the SKD11 steel blade and the S45C steel blade were optimized to apply as a cutting blade of the orbital cutting blade palm chopping machine, respectively. 

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How to Cite
Poonnayom, P. ., Wattanajitsiri, V. ., Triwanapong, S. ., & Kimapong, K. . (2019). Comparative Study of Mechanical Properties and Production Cost for Palm Cutting Blade Materials Selection. Frontiers in Engineering Innovation Research, 17(1), 65–76. retrieved from
Research Articles

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