Comparative Study of Hard-facing Weld Metal Properties on Grade 900 Railway Steel using H450R and E120-18G SMAW Electrodes
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This research aimed to comparative study of hard-facing weld metal properties that were produce on grade 900 Railway Steel using H450R and E120-18G SMAW Electrodes. The experimental results were as following. The penetration test results showed that the cracks with 1-3 mm in length were clearly found on the welding surface at the start and finish point on the weld bead surface. However, the crack could not be found when the penetration test was conducted on the welding bead surface of the hard-facing weld metal that produced by E120-18G SMAW electrode. Microstructure of a welding zone (WZ) showed the crack and pore that was about 50-600 micron in length was found when H450R electrode was applied. Furthermore, the sound weld metal could be produced when E120-18G electrode was applied and showed the existence of pearlite and bainite phases in the weld which implied to indicate high tensile strength and vibration absorption.
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