Mapping of Literature in the Field of Chemo-informatics
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Chemo-informatics is a recent development in the field of chemistry. It has helped scientists develop various chemical structures using computers, leading to the solution of some intricate problems in chemistry, including in medical chemistry.
Objective: The mapping of literature in chemo-informatics was performed to reveal publication trends, authorship trends, core journals, and collaborative authors at the national, international, and institutional levels. The annual growth rate revealed the growth pattern of publications. The data of collaboration was visualized using the VOS Viewer tool.
Methodology: The methodology used for this study was citation analysis of the publications downloaded from the SCOPUS database for the years 2017 to 2022. A total of 1425 data items were downloaded based on the keywords used for searching. Out of these 1425 after cleaning the data, only 1,413 citations were used for further study. Out of these 1,413 citations, 13 citations were anonymous so they were also ignored for authorship analysis.
Findings: The findings of the study were that the annual growth rate of publications as shown by the highest number of publications (276) was in 2021 and the lowest 195 (13.80%) in 2018. Articles (65.46%) were the preferred publications by the authors. Multiple author (5 or more) publications show the prevalence of teamwork, which was further substantiated by the Av. Collaboration Index of 4.48; Av. Degree of collaboration was .0926 and Av. collaboration coefficient was .0179. J. Medina-Franco of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México was the most prolific author with 53 publications during the 5 years of the study period. The Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling headed the list of publications with 48 publications while the Journal of Chemical Education received the highest number of citations (1052). In the list of countries with maximum contribution, the USA headed the list with 327 publications receiving 7735 citations. The international link strength was 211, which iswas revealed by the International Cooperation Index (ICI) of 64.52. China was placed in second place in international collaboration.
All these papers could be only b possible through the use of computers, as the 21st century has allowed the use of computers in general studies which have become precursors to develop various models and theories based on computers. The present study reveals the collaborative nature of research which is very much prevalent nowadays and which can also be seen in the visualization report. The study also reveals that authors are adopting team research and have a wider perspective of their research.
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