The Comparison of Grade 3 Students Learning Achievement using Animation Media in Adventures in the Technology World at Wat Inkanlaya School
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The purposes of this research were to develop animation media in adventures in the technology world for grade 3 Students at Wat Inkanlaya School, compare the academic achievement of students studying with animation media in adventures in the technology world, and study the satisfaction of students with animation media in adventures in the technology world. The target group used in this research was 21 grade 3 students in Wat Inkanlaya School, which was obtained through specific selection. The research instruments consisted of animation media in adventures in the technology world, the learning plan, the quality evaluation form, the achievement tests, and the satisfaction questionnaire. The researcher managed learning with the target group according to the lesson plan for two periods, wherewith the target group studied animation media in four situations and asked questions for the target group to share knowledge and encourage students with thoughtful questions then the behavior was observed and analyzed the data. The statistics in data analysis were mean, standard deviation and the t-test. The results showed that the animation media had quality at the high level, the students learning through animation media had higher learning achievement than before learning at the .05 level of significance, and the students were satisfied with the animation media at the highest level.
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