Application of Modified Bessel Functions in Extended Surface Heat Transfer Problems
Main Article Content
Modified Bessel functions are encountered in a range of engineering
applications. This paper presents one such application in the analysis of extended
surface heat transfer. Two classical problems of annular and triangular fins are
selected for the purpose of this study. DIfferential equations describing the
temperature distribution along the fins are formulated from the fundamentals of
conduction and convection heat transfer, and the solutions of the equations are
presented . Due to the tedious nature of the modified Bessel functions involved in
the solutions, approximate relationships for the functions are recommended, and a
simplified met.hod for calculating fin efficiency is also discussed.
applications. This paper presents one such application in the analysis of extended
surface heat transfer. Two classical problems of annular and triangular fins are
selected for the purpose of this study. DIfferential equations describing the
temperature distribution along the fins are formulated from the fundamentals of
conduction and convection heat transfer, and the solutions of the equations are
presented . Due to the tedious nature of the modified Bessel functions involved in
the solutions, approximate relationships for the functions are recommended, and a
simplified met.hod for calculating fin efficiency is also discussed.
Article Details
How to Cite
TbeerakulpiIUt, D. .somnuk. (2013). Application of Modified Bessel Functions in Extended Surface Heat Transfer Problems. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 22(1), 61–74. retrieved from
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