A Feasibility Study of Using Salt Gradient Solar Pond as a Low Temperature Heat Sourec in North-eastern Thailand

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Dr.Boonsrang Direcksataporn


A mathematical model of salt gradient solar ponds has been used as a took to investigate the feasibility of using solar pond thermal energy for low temperature applications in North-eastern Thailand. The simulation results obtained indicate that, at 15% heat extracted yearly, mean temperatures of an unlined uninsulated pond and a lined insulated pond are 67.5°C and 77°C respectively. This means that it is practically possible to use solar ponds as a heat source for all normal low temperature applications. Power generation  applications are at present likely to prove uneconomic due to the low overall system efficiency estimated at less than 1%.

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How to Cite
Direcksataporn, D. (2013). A Feasibility Study of Using Salt Gradient Solar Pond as a Low Temperature Heat Sourec in North-eastern Thailand. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 23(2), 51–73. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/easr/article/view/8091