A risk assessment of two automobile repair centres: A Nigerian case study
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We do not understand the hazards and risks faced by auto-mechanics despite knowledge of their growing service responsibilities in recent years, coupled with the very hazardous work environment in which they operate. In this article, as a prospective antidote to this deficiency, an inventory of possible risks to which the workers of an automobile repair centre may be exposed, is created. Measures that should be taken to minimise these risks are proffered. The risks faced by automobile mechanics were investigated using two case studies of small and medium scale enterprises in a developing country. The study employed both quantitative and qualitative assessment methods. This approach used interviews and questionnaire approach for the qualitative method while a projected monetary approach was employed for the quantitative method. A major finding was that over-exertion ranked as the highest risk for all the workers combined. The result was corroborated by findings of the National Safety Council and will be of immense value to workshop managers in developing the most effective risk control practices at their centres.
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