The time derivative of flux-linkage dependence on flux-linkage with partitioned-stator doubly-salient permanent-magnet generator structure

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Warat Sriwannarat
Anan Kruesubthaworn
Paul Nutter
Kittipong Tonmitr
Apirat Siritaratiwat


The time derivative of flux-linkage, dΨ/dt dependence on flux-linkage of partitioned-stator doubly-salient permanent-magnet generator (PS-DSPG) structure with varying the number of poles is proposed. The analysis is based on finite element method using COMSOL software. The result shows that the flux-linkage is reduced with an increasing of the number of poles. Nevertheless, the dΨ/dt is enhanced when the number of poles is increased. This is because the dΨ/dt and the flux-linkage do not only depend on the number of poles but it also depends on the flux-linkage circulation.

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How to Cite
Sriwannarat, W., Kruesubthaworn, A., Nutter, P., Tonmitr, K., & Siritaratiwat, A. (2016). The time derivative of flux-linkage dependence on flux-linkage with partitioned-stator doubly-salient permanent-magnet generator structure. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 43, 44–46. retrieved from