Peg-tooth spacing and guide vane inclination of a Thai combine harvester affecting harvesting losses

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Somchai Chuan-udom
Pinai Thongsawatwong
Khwantri Saengprachatanarug
Taira Eizo


Peg-tooth spacing and guide vane inclination of Thai combine harvesters are important parameters affecting harvesting losses. The harvester owners often adjust the peg-tooth spacing and guide vane inclination before harvesting. This study aimed to evaluate how harvesting loss are affected by the peg-tooth spacing and guide vane inclination of a Thai combine harvester. The results showed that increasing of peg-tooth spacing resulted in linearly increasing threshing unit loss. Threshing unit losses of Khao Dok Mali 105 (KDML 105) and Chainat 1 rice varieties were 0.0045 and 0.0306%/mm of spacing, respectively. Increasing of the guide vane inclination resulted in a linearly decreasing threshing unit loss. Threshing unit losses of KDML 105 and Chainat 1 rice varieties were 0.0575 and 0.3112%/degree of the guide vane, respectively.

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How to Cite
Chuan-udom, S., Thongsawatwong, P., Saengprachatanarug, K., & Eizo, T. (2018). Peg-tooth spacing and guide vane inclination of a Thai combine harvester affecting harvesting losses. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 45(2), 107–111. retrieved from
Author Biography

Somchai Chuan-udom, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty ofEngineering, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand

Assoc Prof.Dr. Somchai Chuan-udom

Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Office address: Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University

123 Muang District, Khon Kaen, Thailand 40002

E-mail address:

Education: B.Eng. (Agricultural Engineering) Khon Kaen University, 1996

M.Eng. (Agricultural Machinery) Khon Kaen University, 2000

Ph.D. (Agricultural Machinery Engineering) Khon Kaen University, 2007

Positions: Head of the Applied Engineering for Important Crops of the North East Research Group Khon Kaen University

Research Interest: Grain harvesting, combine harvester, harvesting system.

Book: Grain harvesting machines (in Thai)

Patents/Petty: Patent 3 petty patents pending (in Thailand).


1. Doungpueng, K., Chuan-udom, S. Effects of Guide Vane Inclination Patterns on Threshing Losses and Power Requirement. Kasetsart Journal-Natural Science 2014; 48: 313-322.

2. Chuan-udom, S. Operating factors of Thai threshers affecting corn shelling losses. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST) 2013; 35(1): 63-67.

3. Chuan-udom, S., Chinsuwan, W. Effects of Threshing Unit Feature on Threshing Unit Losses for Thai Axial Flow Rice Combine Harvesters. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America (AMA) 2012; 43(4): 66-71.

4. Chuan-udom, S., Chinsuwan, W. Effects of operating factors of an axial flow rice combine harvester on grain breakage. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST) 2011; 33(2): 221-225.

5. Chuan-udom, S., Chinsuwan, W. Threshing Unit Losses Prediction for Thai Axial Flow Rice Combine Harvesters. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America (AMA) 2009; 40(1): 50-54.

6. Chuan-udom, S. Effects of Rotor Speed on Threshing Unit Losses and Power Requirement when Using Different Patterns of Guide Vane Inclination of Axial Flow Threshing Unit for Chainat 1 Rice Variety. KKU Research Journal 2012; 17(3): 423-431. (in Thai)

7. Chuan-udom, S. Patterns of Adjustment of Guide Vane Inclination of Axial Flow Rice Threshing Unit Affecting on Threshing Unit Losses and Power Requirement when Thresh Chainat 1 Variety. KKU Research Journal 2011; 16(8): 973-980. (in Thai)

8. Waingwised, T., Chuan-udom, S., Chinsuwan, W. Effects of Spike-Tooth Pattern and Louver Inclination of an Axial Flow Rice Combine Harvester on Threshing Losses. KKU Research Journal 2011; 16(8): 965-972. (in Thai)

9. Chuan-udom, S., Chinsuwan, W. Design Factors Affecting Harvesting Losses of Threshing Unit of Axial Flow Combine Harvesters when Harvest Thai Hom Mali Rice. KKU Research Journal 2011; 16(6): 622-633. (in Thai)

10. Srison, W., Chuan-udom, S., Chinsuwan, W. Effects of Travelling Speed, Reel Index and Grain Moisture Content on Header Losses of a Rice Combine Harvester. KKU Research Journal 2011; 16(6): 634-642. (in Thai)

11. Chuan-udom, S., Chinsuwan, W. Influence of Threshing Unit Design of Axial Flow Rice Combine Harvesters on Harvesting Losses when Harvesting Thai Hommali Rice. KKU Research Journal 2011; 16(3): 252-260. (in Thai)

12. Chuan-udom, S., Chinsuwan, W. Rice Harvesting Losses Due to Use of Combine Harvesters. Thai Society of Agricultural Engineering Journal 2010; 16(1): 6-15. (in Thai)

13. Chuan-udom, S., Chinsuwan, W. Operating Factors Affecting Harvesting Losses of Cleaning Unit of Rice Combine Harvesters. KKU Research Journal 2010; 15(6): 487-495. (in Thai)

14. Chuan-udom, S. Development of a Cutter Bar Driver for Reduction of Vibration for a Rice Combine Harvester. KKU Research Journal 2010; 15(7): 572-580. (in Thai)

15. Chuan-udom, S., Chinsuwan, W. Effects of Concave Rod Clearance and Number of Concave Bars on Threshing Performance of a Axial Flow Rice Threshing Unit for Chainat 1 Variety. KKU Research Journal 2009; 14(11): 1037-1045. (in Thai)

16. Chuan-udom, S., Srison, W., Waingwised, T. Comparative Study on Vibration of a Combine Harvester Due to Operation of Cutter Bar Driver, Reel, and Auger. Thai Society of Agricultural Engineering Journal 2009; 15(1): 3-6. (in Thai)

17. Chuan-udom, S., Chinsuwan, W. Assessment of Performance of Axial Flow Rice Threshers for Corn Shelling. KKU Research Journal 2009; 14(9): 893-902. (in Thai)

18. Chuan-udom, S. Operating Factors Affecting Harvest Losses of Rice Due to Use of Combine Harvester. Thai Rice Research Journal 2009; 3(2): 85-90. (in Thai)

19. Chuan-udom, S., Chinsuwan, W. Effects of Louver Inclination on Threshing Unit Losses of an Axial Flow Rice Combine Harvester. KKU Research Journal 2009; 14(3): 322-330. (in Thai)

20. Chuan-udom, S., Chinsuwan, W. Development and Validation of Estimation Equation for Threshing System losses in Axial Flow Rice Combine Harvesters for Chainat 1 Rice Variety. KKU Research Journal 2008; 13(2): 251-260. (in Thai)

21. Chuan-udom, S., Chinsuwan, W. Operating Parameters Affecting Threshing System losses of an Axial Flow Rice Combine Harvester. KKU Research Journal 2007; 12(4): 442-450. (in Thai)

22. Chuan-udom, S., Chinsuwan, W. Improvement and Validation of Estimation Equation of Threshing System Losses in Axial Flow Rice Combine Harvesters for Thai Hom Mali rice. Agricultural Science Journal 2007; 38(1): 75-81. (in Thai)

23. Chuan-udom, S., Chinsuwan, W. Development of Assessment Equations for Thresing System Losses in an Axial Flow Rice Combine Harvester for Hommali Rice. Agricultural Science Journal 2006; 37(2): 109-116. (in Thai)


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