Visual Preprocessing for Thai OCR

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Nucharee Premchaiswadi
Wichian Premchaiswadi


This paper presents techniques using in preprocessing for Thai OCR in a visual way which will make an experiment, examination and adjustment of each process mort: easily. The process begins with bringing document image into memory of a compute and displays it on a monitor Then, the document is separated into lines and Its position will be Shown. After that each line is separated into blocks which each block may consist or one character or more. Each character will be extracted from blocks and its size and position of each character will he known. This intonation will indicate which group it should belong to in Thai

Language. this will reduce the number of reference patterns using in character recognition process. The information about a sequence of each character iS also given. The size of each character can be scaled in to the suitable size and a skeleton

or each character is also Shown . The experimental results show that the proposed technique can separate each character from a document image and give an useful information for using in a character recognition on process.

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How to Cite
Premchaiswadi, N., & Premchaiswadi, W. (2013). Visual Preprocessing for Thai OCR. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 24(2), 27–41. retrieved from