Natural Frequency Analysis of Cantilevered Beams

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Kiatfa Tangchaichit


Rayleigh-Ritz method (using MatLab), Finite Element Analysis (using ANSYS), Exact solution and experiment were used to calculate the natural frequency of cantilevered beams. Cantilevered beams ratios 3,5,7,9,15 and 20 with thickness 5 mm were used in this analysis. The breadth wise was fixed (100 mm) and the lengthwise was varied with the geometric ratios.

The natural frequencies calculated from Rayleigh-Ritz method, Finite Element Analysis, and experiment were compared with Exact solution. The maximum errors of Rayliegh-Rit/method, FEA and experiment were 3.22%,10.3% and 41.05% respectively.

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How to Cite
Tangchaichit, K. (2013). Natural Frequency Analysis of Cantilevered Beams. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 32(6), 755–763. retrieved from