Influence of amorphous silica in perlite on compressive strength and pozzolanic reaction of blended cement paste

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Piyachat Suphawithayacharoenkun
Wunchock Kroehong
Threerawat Sinsiri


This research was to determine the amorphous silica in perlitethat affected compressive strength and degree ofpozzolanicreaction by using X-ray diffraction method. In this study, perlite was burnt at different temperaturesof600 oC, 700 oC and 800 oC and different timeof 4, 6 and 8 hr. Perlite and sand were ground to approximately thesame finenessascement. Portland cement type1 was replaced by perlite or ground sand at 20% by weight ofcementitiousmaterial. A water to binder ratio(w/c) of 0.40 was used. The result of X-ray diffraction showedthat theperlite burnedat 600 oC for 4 hr. contained the largestamorphousesilica.From the compressive strength test andthe pozzolanic activity testit was shownthat the amorphouse silica contents affected on compressive strengthand degree of pozzolanic reaction.

Keywords : Perlite X-ray, Diffraction, Analysis, Pozzolanic, Amorphous

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How to Cite
Suphawithayacharoenkun, P., Kroehong, W., & Sinsiri, T. (2013). Influence of amorphous silica in perlite on compressive strength and pozzolanic reaction of blended cement paste. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 39(3), 257–266. retrieved from