Investigation of seed quality and seed surface modification changes in black soybean (Glycine max L. Merr) affected by plasma activated solution
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Plasma-activated solution (PAS) is attractive due to the shorter process and no need gaseous phase. The objective was to find whether PAS can improve seed quality of black soybean cv. Sukhothai 3 by seed coat modification and to enquire optimum treatment times. PAS was generated by treating 0.05% H2O2 with UV-C radiation at 0.5 l min-1 flow rate to obtain PAS-H2O2. Treated seeds and untreated were determined physical properties, seed quality, microbial population, and morphology changes. The results revealed that seed germination and the number of normal seedlings treated by PAS-H2O2 were non-significantly higher than untreated samples. While seed vigor, root length, and seedling dry weight showed the maximum level when subjected to the PAS-H2O2 condition for 5 minutes. The exposure duration of PAS-H2O2 treatment did not affect seedling stem development. The PAS-H2O2 could control total microorganisms to a standard level and the colony was reduced. The seed coat features, the changes of cell expansion and the number and size of seed pores increased than control treatment. This study indicated that plasma-activated solution could improve soybean seed germination and seedling establishment by modifying seed coat properties cooperated with different effects of treating times.
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