An efficient claim management assurance utilizing monarch butterfly optimization approach based EPC model

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Mukilan K
Rameshbabu C
Velumani P


The Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) contract frameworks have been broadly used to play out various developments works by the private sector. The aim of the study is to reduce the claim issues such as time and cost and increase the profizility and productivity one of the popular and important construction models is EPC that incorporates work among construction, procurement, and engineering in the single contract. Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) utilizes the project's structure of contract systems. Based on large-scale infrastructure projects, the EPC contract models are utilized with a private zone to execute the construction work. This study proposes the methodology is Monarch Butterfly Optimization (MBO) algorithm-based claim management system via the EPC mechanism. The time and cost are the major objective functions to be solved in this paper. The construction techniques and design substitutes in which it satisfies the minimum requirements of the Engineer. Thereafter, the final decision is made with the project manager views the document via cost and time. The experimental analysis for the EPC approach is reviewed in terms of utilizing the risk level classification. By using the MBO algorithm to minimizes the cost and time for the EPC construction process. The claim management problems are effectively analyzed in the result section.

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How to Cite
K, M., C, R. ., & P, V. . (2021). An efficient claim management assurance utilizing monarch butterfly optimization approach based EPC model. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 48(5), 570–580. retrieved from


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