Oscillating heat pipe

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Namphon Pipatpaiboon


This article aims to present the nature and operation system of the oscillating heat pipe (OHPs). OHPs consist of
three type was Closed end oscillating heat pipe (CEOHP), Closed loop oscillating heat pipe (CLOHP) and Closed
loop oscillating heat pipe (CLOHP/CV). OHPs heat exchanger is a device based on the heat convection of a
working fluids inside the vacuum tube, copper tube with an inside diameter of the surface tension of working
fluids. When working fluids received heat from any heat sources, working fluids boil and vaporize and moved
along inner the tube. These actions forms of working fluids are similar oscillating wave. A unique was used to call
the heat pipe was the oscillating heat pipe. This paper summarizes the operations of three type OHPs. Phenomenon
occurs within OHPs. And their application in different ways guide to the study and development of OHPs technology
in the future.

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How to Cite
Pipatpaiboon, N. (2014). Oscillating heat pipe. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 40(2), 285–290. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/easr/article/view/19108