Loss estimated methods in transmission line of northeastern transmission system

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Heuangsixayphone Dalasene
Kittipong Tonmitr
Jittipath Triyangkulsri


Normally, the electrical power loss in transmission line can be determine in several method but this method
proposes a power loss calculation through the current squared and multiplies by resistance (3I2R). The electrical
current number is derived from the result of power divide by voltage, In order to get the electrical current number
flowing in individual transmission line, the data can be retrieved from the EGAT SCADA of Northeastern power system center. The data which includes voltage, real power and appearance power will be used to estimate the
loss of the power system there are totally 127 power circuits and 50 stations. The calculation data calculate use
every 30 minutes from January to May 2011. By this way, the actual power loss from individual lines can be
properly determined for further loss improvement opportunity. This power loss calculation is evaluated by comparing
with another two methods. The simulation test is done by disconnected some transmission lines which are significant
impact to the whole system. As the result of testing, the proposed power loss calculation method 3 is equal 85.58
MW, method 2 is equal 85.83 MW and method 1 is equal 90.32 MW. From the comparison, method 3 and 2 are
close to the same value about 3 MW at that time. The method 3 and 2 are different from the method 1 in case of
a small power loss deviation from the last value.

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How to Cite
Dalasene, H., Tonmitr, K., & Triyangkulsri, J. (2014). Loss estimated methods in transmission line of northeastern transmission system. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 40(2), 155–161. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/easr/article/view/19094