RETRACTED: Design and performance evaluation of PEA IP over DWDM core networks

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Chaowarit Boonta
Prasit Nakornrat
Nakrop Jinaporn


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Chaowarit Boonta, Prasit Nakornrat, Nakrop Jinaporn
RETRACTED: Design and performance evaluation of PEA IP over DWDM core networks, Engineering and Applied Science Research 2020;47(3):348

This work demonstrates the design and performance evaluation of an IP over DWDM Network of the PEA (Provincial Electricity Authority) in the stage of the transforming from a conventional network to a full DWDM. The most significant parameters taken into account for performance evaluation of a DWDM network are optical signal to noise ratio (OSNR) and bit error rate (BER). This study presents an advanced modulation technique for coherent polarization-multiplexed differential quadrature phase shift keying (CP-DQPSK) with Enhanced - FEC coding to improve OSNR and BER for longer distance transport of 100GE traffic without signal regeneration. The simulation results of the coherent DQPSK offer approximately 4dB improvement in OSNR sensitivity compared to non‑coherent DQPSK. The 10GE LAN PHY service and 100GE LAN PHY service with unrepeated testing have been reported for longer distances, 431.60 km and 350.99 km, with OSNR at destination 13 dB and 14 dB, and wavelength service availability 99.9987 % and 99.9999 %, respectively.

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How to Cite
Boonta, C., Nakornrat, P., & Jinaporn, N. (2019). RETRACTED: Design and performance evaluation of PEA IP over DWDM core networks. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 46(3), 227–237. retrieved from


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