Minimum Energy Performance Standard Level for Household Electric Fans in Thailand

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Supphachai Nathaphan
Suwat Trutassanawin


Thailand requires specifying a mandatory minimum energy performance standard (MEPS) forhousehold electric fans to limit low efficiency of electric fans sold in Thailand. This paper proposesmechanisms using statistical techniques to determine MEPS taking effect in 2009 for four types of electric fanswhich are a table type and wall type fan, a pedestal type fan, a ceiling type fan and a ceiling oscillating fan.The MEPS for all electric fan types are categorized according to the diameter of fan blades instead of the typeof fans. Hence, importers and producers in Thailand have to pay attention to the new service valuesincreasing from the previous service values of TISI. A test sample of sixty fans has been used in analyzing theservice values following the TIS. The results show that the MEPS values of electric fans increase with theincrease of the fan blade diameter.

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How to Cite
Nathaphan, S., & Trutassanawin, S. (2012). Minimum Energy Performance Standard Level for Household Electric Fans in Thailand. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 36(1), 59–68. retrieved from