Effects of Accelerated Soaking and Germinating Process on GABA Content in Germinated Paddy Hom Mali 105

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Apichart Artnaseaw


To increase GABA content in germinated paddy rice (Hom Mali 105), paddy rice grains was soakedin water which accelerating agent, bioextract : water 1:100, has been added. Effects of soaking temperature(30-50 0C) and soaking time (5-24 hours) on GABA content in rough rice were investigated. It was found thatGABA content increased with an increase of soaking temperature in the range of 30-40 0C. However, whensoaking temperature exceeded 40 0C, GABA content decreased. GABA content increased with an increase ofsoaking time. Then, the highest GABA content in water soaking process, 24 hours and 40 °C, was used tostudy effects of germinating temperature (30-50 0C), germinating time (12-36 hours) and relative humidity of95% on GABA content in rough rice. The results showed that GABA content increased when the germinatingtemperature increased from 30 0C to 40 0C. However, when germinating temperature exceeded 40 0C, GABAcontent decreased. GABA content increased with an increase of germinating time in the range of 12-24 hours.When germinating time was higher than 24 hours, GABA content decreased. The highest GABA content(448.79 mg/100g dry basis) was obtained under both soaking and germinating conditions at 40 °C for 24hours.

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How to Cite
Artnaseaw, A. (2012). Effects of Accelerated Soaking and Germinating Process on GABA Content in Germinated Paddy Hom Mali 105. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 37(2), 131–139. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/easr/article/view/1698