Material Identification of a Bridge Carrier Using Finite Element Analysis
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Currently, Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is widely to use on engineering analysis and design includingto examine the mechanical behavior of material. A bridge carrier is an equipment in which its behavior can bestudied via FEA. Industries use a bridge carrier in a bar lapping process in the slider micro-fabricationprocess of hard disk drives (HDD). From the need to increase production efficiency, it is required to studyand know the mechanical behaviors of such a device. However, the problem in this case is that materialproperties of the carrier is completely unknown. Therefore, this paper has an objective to identify the bridgecarrier material properties by using FEA based on experimental data. The properties are predicted in thispaper are Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio.
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How to Cite
Pholdee, N., & Bureerat, S. (2012). Material Identification of a Bridge Carrier Using Finite Element Analysis. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 37(2), 93–99. retrieved from
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