The Use of Remote Sensing Technology for Evaluation of Flood Damages: A Review Literature

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Chattichai Waisurasingha


For more than two decades, remotely sensed imagery has been used as a tool for delineating of thespatial extent of flooding and its impact over wide area with a cost effective manner in comparison to groundsurveying. The aim of this article is to review previous attempts on flood damage assessment that usedremotely sensed data and techniques. This paper is divided into three major sections. The first sectionfocuses on the development of remote sensing techniques as a tool for assessing flood damages. The secondsection emphasizes the remote sensing techniques for estimating flood depth, which is the crucial indicator offlood hazard intensity. In order to estimate flood depth, a number of different approaches using remotesensing data (e.g., radiometry-depth relation, satellite altimetry and SAR interferometry) have been discussed.The last section highlights some of the past attempts for assessing flood damage to agricultural areas.

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How to Cite
Waisurasingha, C. (2012). The Use of Remote Sensing Technology for Evaluation of Flood Damages: A Review Literature. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 38(2), 197–209. retrieved from