Effects of Organic Fertilizer on Cd Bioavailability and Cd Accumulation in Rice Grown in Contaminated Paddy Soil

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Mongkolchai Assawadithalerd
Meechai Siangliw
Chantra Tongcumpou


The effects of organic fertilizer on Cd phytoavailability and distribution in rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) were examined in pot and field experiments. The results of the pot experiment show that the addition of organic fertilizer increased the oxidizable Cd fraction (F3) and decreased the soluble and exchangeable Cd fraction (F1). There was also an increase in the dry matter yield when more organic fertilizer was applied. The Cd concentrations in the rice plant parts were observed in the following order: root > stem > grain. The accumulation index from the field experiment indicates that organic fertilizer application is likely to reduce the uptake of both Cd and Zn by rice.

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How to Cite
Assawadithalerd, M., Siangliw, M., & Tongcumpou, C. (2025). Effects of Organic Fertilizer on Cd Bioavailability and Cd Accumulation in Rice Grown in Contaminated Paddy Soil. Applied Environmental Research, 36(3), 95–104. https://doi.org/10.35762/AER.2014.36.3.8
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