Design Patterns to Enhance Security by Storing Passwords Encryption using Multiple Hashing Functions

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Naruapon Suwanwijit
Somkiat Chormuan
Worachet Uttha


The protection of personal information stored in the database of a web application is critical. Currently, securing personal information, especially passwords, has been introduced with the hash function. The hash function is a mathematical algorithm used to encrypt data in a single way that cannot be easily decrypted into original data. However, comparisons are used to verify the correctness of the data. In general, when encrypting a user's password, each web application will select a unique hash function or algorithm. The software has not been designed to provide the ability to easily modify the algorithm. The researchers found that the design pattern was used in good software design, with the "Strategy Pattern" being one of the key patterns of design patterns that can be applied in software design with a wide range of algorithms to choose from and support the freely modified algorithm to suit each situation. In this research, the researchers were interested in applying design patterns, both "Strategy Pattern" and "Factory Method Pattern," in the design and development of software in the section of hash functions, providing a wide range of encryption and instance selection of the hash function. The research results indicated that the system was flexible in changing and adding new hash functions to handle user password storage with multiple hash functions and also made passwords much more secure by adding complexity to system penetration compared to a single hash function.

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How to Cite
Suwanwijit, N. ., Chormuan, S., & Uttha, W. (2024). Design Patterns to Enhance Security by Storing Passwords Encryption using Multiple Hashing Functions. KKU Science Journal, 52(2), 157–169. Retrieved from
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