Use of Sago Starch and Konjac Powder in Boba Pearl

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Jiraporn Burakorn
Pran Pinthong
Songporn Kraisit
Pornprapa Tongbai
Montakan Aimkaew


This research aimed to increase the value of sago starch by using it in the boba pearls. Optimal study of the formulation of boba pearls from sago starch and konjac powder was carried out. Boba pearls of 10 formulations consisted of sago starch (45 - 54%), tapioca flour (26 - 35%), konjac powder (3%) and 50% (w/v) sucrose syrup (17%). The result of sensory evaluation showed that the optimal formulation for producing boba pearls contained 51% sago starch, 29% tapioca flour, 3% konjac powder, and 17% syrup. The liking scores of color, odor, texture and overall liking were the highest. The modified boba pearls were dried by using a hot air oven. The dried boba pearls presented 0.60 gif.latex?\pm 0.13 of water activity and 11.41 gif.latex?\pm 0.38% of moisture content. In addition, 100 grams of dried boba pearl provided a total of 367 kilocalories of energy, 4.40 grams of dietary fiber, 9.35 micrograms of vitamin A RE, 23.4 milligrams of calcium and 0.28 milligrams of iron. The dried boba pearls, which were stored at 25 ºC for 7 days, received similar liking scores in all attributes compared to the first-day boba pearls. The research could be applied to food entrepreneurs for commercial use.

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How to Cite
Burakorn, J., Pinthong, P., Kraisit, S., Tongbai, P., & Aimkaew, M. (2024). Use of Sago Starch and Konjac Powder in Boba Pearl. KKU Science Journal, 52(1), 67–78. Retrieved from
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