Development of a Garbage Disposal Fee Collection Application: A Case Study of La-ngu Subdistrict Administrative Organization, La-ngu District, Satun Province

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Norathep Sakphet
Chatirot Jitrugtham
Annop Bunjan
Chanyanuch Pumpuang


The objectives of this research were: 1) to develop a waste fee collection application, using the La-ngu Subdistrict Administrative Organization in La-ngu District, Satun Province as a case study; 2) to assess the efficacy of the application; and 3) to evaluate user satisfaction with the application. The application was developed employing the Flutter Framework and the Dart programming language as its core technologies. There are two distinct types of users within the system: administrators, who can add new members, modify data, and provide permissions to members, and members, who can add, modify, and remove user information. The application, which is compatible with the Android operating system, features an intuitive interface that enables quick and easy access to a variety of data. Based on the evaluation of application efficiency by experts and the assessment of user satisfaction, the findings indicate that the overall scores were high (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.23, S.D. = 0.5) and very high (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.50, S.D. = 0.67) respectively. This result demonstrated that the application for waste fee collection can be effectively implemented in the La-ngu Subdistrict, thereby simplifying operations, facilitating data recording, updating existing data, and enabling data checks.

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How to Cite
Sakphet, N., Jitrugtham, C., Bunjan, A., & Pumpuang, C. (2023). Development of a Garbage Disposal Fee Collection Application: A Case Study of La-ngu Subdistrict Administrative Organization, La-ngu District, Satun Province. KKU Science Journal, 51(3), 238–256.
Research Articles


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