Synthesis of Magnetic Polymer Composite Particles

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ปรียาภรณ์ ไชยสัตย์


Magnetic polymer composite particle has received considerable attention due to their extensive applications in the fields of biomedicine, bioengineering and environment. This article summarizes recent works on various techniques used to prepare magnetic polymer composite particles. Possible shape of such materials particle is also briefly classified. The discussion focuses on three famous techniques which are coating method, interface deposition and monomer polymerization. Special notice is paid to fabrication mechanism and process of magnetic polymer composite particle with controlled shape, size and functional properties. The potential applications of magnetic polymer composite particles are briefly discussed as well.

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ไชยสัตย์ ป. . . (2012). Synthesis of Magnetic Polymer Composite Particles. KKU Science Journal, 40(2), 472–485. retrieved from
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