Conservation status of Gynura in Thailand

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Wanniga Munsuk
Pimwadee Pornpongrungrueng


Conservation status of Gynura (Asteraceae) in Thailand was investigated. Thirteen taxa of Gynura were recorded in Thailand. Among these, six taxa are endemic to Thailand. The conservation status was analyzed based on distributional data from herbarium specimens and field surveys throughout Thailand in 2018 using ConR Program. The status was categorized under criterion B of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The results indicated that seven taxa are threatened. Gynura divaricata (L.) DC. and G. truncata Kerr are critically endangered species (CR). Gynura calciphila var. dissecta F.G. Davies, G. cusimbua (D. Don) S. Moore, G. hmopaengensis H. Koyama and G. nepalensis DC. are endangered species (EN). G. siamensis Vanij. & Kadereit is vulnerable species (VU). The other six taxa are categorized as near threatened species (NT) or least concern (LC). This information is useful for plant conservation management.

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Munsuk, W. ., & Pornpongrungrueng, P. . (2023). Conservation status of Gynura in Thailand. KKU Science Journal, 50(3), 212–222. retrieved from
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