Extraction and Biological Activity of Silk Sericin from Thai Native Silk (Bombyx mori L.) with Macerated Banana Leaves Solution
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Sericulture in Thailand has continued to grow steadily, particularly in the North-eastern part. Silk production is one of the major industries that generates substantial income for farmers. Silk cocoon consist of two main proteins, fibroin and sericin. Fibroin has long been utilized in the textile industry and most recently, in tissue engineering as well as in advanced medical techniques. Sericin was previously regards as a silk industrial waste, however, recent findings suggested that sericin possess various bioactive compounds responsible for numerous applications. The objective of the study was to isolate and evaluate the biological properties of bioactive substances from Thai native silk Bombyx mori L. using non-chemical approach. The cocoon were extracted with macerated banana leaves (MBL) solution at 100 °C compared with conventional solvents extraction (hot water, sodium carbonate and extraction by autoclave method). The extraction parameters such as extraction time and solvent concentration were optimized. The results revealed that hot water and alkaline extracts showed higher degree of sericin recovery than the alternative green approach. The protein concentrations in all extracts were analyzed using Bradford assay and the total phenolics and flavonoids content in all extracts were determined and the antioxidant capacity were also analyzed based on ABTS assay and Potassium ferricyanide reducing power assay. Results indicated that, MBL extracted for 60 minutes contain highest amount of polyphenols (6.293 μg GAE/ gDW) and MBL extracted for 30 minutes has the most flavonoids (10.589 mg GAE/g DW). The MBL extracted for 60 minutes possesses the highest radical scavenging ability (77.543 ± 2.240% inhibition) with ABTS assay. The reducing ability of MBL extracted for 30 minutes appeared to possess maximum reducing power (Vitamin C equivalent = 245.651 ± 22.184 µg/ml). The finding of this study suggested that using macerated banana leaves solution for sericin extraction provide alternative method to obtain bioactive compounds that added value to the waste materials from local products.
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