Increasing Efficiency in Detection of Helmet with Data Augmentation

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Boonyakon Tongmonwit
Chirayut Deepard
Kreangsak Tamee


Accidents caused by the motorcycle rider do not wear helmets are an important problem. of course, it’s not just fatalities that helmets help to prevent. A helmet could help the motorcycle rider to avoid serious injuries. Therefore, the motorcycle rider should wear helmets. At present, A system to detect people not wearing helmets using Deep Learning is already have, which an effective system have to a lot of data. This research has data limitations, so there's not enough data for training. For this reason, The Data Augmentation is used to increase the amount of data. It can be concluded that use of Data Augmentation resulted in increased efficiency from 90-95% to 99.3%.

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How to Cite
Tongmonwit, B. ., Deepard, C. ., & Tamee, K. . (2022). Increasing Efficiency in Detection of Helmet with Data Augmentation. KKU Science Journal, 50(2), 93–101. retrieved from
Research Articles


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