Species diversity, quantitative features and forest condition in montane forest at Doi Suthep-Pui national park, Chiang Mai province
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The species diversity, quantitative features, and forest condition in a lower montane forest (LMF) at the Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, Chiang Mai province, were assessed. The forest had been disturbed by selective tree cutting and shifting cultivation and become a recovery forest. A research objective was to assess plant community in the forest after 58 years of establishing the national park. Total of 15 sampling plots, 40 x 40 m2 in size, were used for plant community survey, and the plots were arranged along altitudinal areas (1,200-1,597 MSL) covering various slope aspects. In each plot, stem girths at breast height (gbh) and heights of all plant species with height over 1.5 m were measured. A total of 171 trees species (43 genera, 70 families) were found with an average density of 645 tree per rai (4,031 tree/ha). The Fagaceae family (13 species) had the highest important value (IVI), 24.05% of the total. Tree species with the highest frequency (100%) included Castanopsis acuminatissima (Blume) A.DC.), Phoebe paniculata (Nees), C. diversifolia (Kurz) King ex Hook., Symplocos sp. and Diospyros glandulosa Lace. Castanopsis acuminatissima had the highest density (105 trees/rai), following by Litsea sp., P. paniculata, C Castanopsis. diversifolia, Symplocos sp. and D. glandulosa. Castanopsis acuminatissima had also the highest values of dominance (27.23% of the total) and important value index (IVI) (12.16%). Shannon-Wiener index (SWI) of species diversity varied among plots, 3.72- 5.16 (averaging 4.52) and values of forest condition index (FCI) based on Seeloy-ounkeaw et al (2014) were high, varying from 13.89 - 30.89 among 15 plots (21.85 on average)
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