Investigation of Spores of Rhizopus oligosporus Remaining on Shoe Outsoles after Walking on Different Surfaces for Different Distances

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Kanokwan Netkhan
Thiti Mahacharoen


This research investigates the adhesion and spores of Rhizopus oligosporus remaining on shoe outsoles after walking on different surfaces for different distances. The spores were mixed in clay, loam and sand to adhere to soil particles representing natural soils. The experiment was conducted by wearing shoes and pacing on one of the soil mixtures then walking on gravel, grass and concrete surfaces for distances of 500 and 1,000 meters. The spores remaining on the shoe outsoles were then conducted. It was found that spore adhesion in clay and loam were not different, but they were significantly different from spore adhesion in sand at the statistically significant level of 0.05. The experiment did not test spores mixed with sand. The spores remaining on shoe outsoles after walking on gravel and concrete were not different. However spores remaining after walking on gravel and concrete were significantly different from walking on grass at the significance level of 0.05. After walking on different surfaces for 500 and 1,000 meters, the results of spores remaining on the outsole of the shoes were not different. Additionally, it was observed that the concentration of spores in the soil mixture were proportional to the detectable spores on the shoe outsoles.

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How to Cite
Netkhan, K. ., & Mahacharoen, T. . (2021). Investigation of Spores of Rhizopus oligosporus Remaining on Shoe Outsoles after Walking on Different Surfaces for Different Distances. KKU Science Journal, 49(3), 246–253. retrieved from
Research Articles


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