The study of factors influencing the decision to purchase facial skincare products at cosmetic brand level
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Facial skincare products are currently considered a part of life. The primary purpose of using facial skincare products is self-care in terms of beauty, health, and personality enhancement. The research objective is to the study of factors influencing the decision to purchase facial skincare products at the cosmetic brand level. This is quantitative research using a survey research method that consists of 405 samples of consumers’ behavior when purchasing facial skincare products in Bangkok. The data collection was conducted through questionnaires. The independent variables were the 4Ps marketing mix factors, including product, price, distribution channel, and marketing promotion factors. The dependent variable was the decision to purchase facial skincare products. The statistics used in the data analysis were descriptive statistics, including percentage, average, and standard deviation. The inferential statistics used in this research were factor analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results of the study of factors influencing the decision to purchase facial skincare products at the cosmetic brand level consisted of 4 factors: 1) marketing promotion factors, 2) brand and product quality factors, 3) factors of ease of travel and proven research results, and 4) price factors, respectively. This can create an equation multiple regression models as follows: the decision to purchase facial skincare products at the cosmetic brand level = 1.658 + 0.241 marketing promotion - 0.159 price + 0.198 brand and product quality + 0.143 ease of travel and proven research results.
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