Feeding Behavior of Sesarmid Crab, Episesarma mederi (H. Milne Edwards, 1853) (Decapoda; Sesarmidae) in the Mangrove of Pattani Bay, Thailand
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Feeding behavior and stomach content of mangrove crab devote to the important information for their conservation measures and future aquaculture. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the feed components of mangrove crab, Episesarma mederi (H. Milne Edwards, 1853) dwelling in mangrove forest around Pattani Bay in the South of Thailand. A total 360 mangrove crabs were monthly collected from the local fish landing port in 2013-2014. The crab samples were categorized into six groups based on body size and then their stomach contents were examined. The results showed that collecting mangrove crabs were mostly 25-50 mm on carapace width. The major dietary constituents, based on occurrence, were fish, mud sand, highly digested detritus, vegetation, crustacean, and polychaete. Based on frequency occurrence estimate volumetric (FOEV) technique; vegetation detritus, mud sand and highly digested detritus were the major trophic components comprising 60.08%, 10.52% and 9.40% of the total feed volumetric, respectively. Vegetation detritus was the major food group in all crab size groups. Our finding indicated that the E. mederi was a detritivore. In addition, male and female consumed closely food items. However, the animals were more favorite food during rainy season, whereas the vegetation detritus predominant occurred in dry season.
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